Ok. My friend from American Athlete blog in his last post talk about the Editions Disco Re-edits, and i can't resist to finaly say something about this one. My favourite is the edit of Undisputed Truth also, until i hear the original... I listen to a few edits of this track, made by "know" artists and i dont understand why the best part of the song, (for me) is always cut.. I saw also that many people and (record stores to(!)), think the track have the name "undisputed". NO. The name of the track is SHOW TIME!
For those who wanna take a look:
Undisputed Truth, The* - Smokin' (LP)
K 56497
K 56497
I made a edit of this one a long time ago and its always a pleasure play it. This track is one of my favorites ever.
So there is my edit, with the best part included :)
Great post! Thanks for finally giving me more info about the name of that Undisputed Truth song, I couldn't figure it out. Keep up the nice work.
American Athlete
Olá, em primeiro lugar parabéns pelo blog. :)
Aqui fica mais um edit do Show Time http://www.discogs.com/release/982565
é bom! apesar de que ue gosto muito do Editions Disco :)
Great edits! Wonder if you have them all in a rapidshare file or something? I'd love to hear them all but don't have a divshare account.
Hi Biff
Next week, day 21, you can download all the edits free. (no account needed)
I reach the montly limit of my divshare account. 100gb...
Thank you very much for this Blog
Everything from TUT is very nice,
on this LP we got also Space Machine as my fav and Tazmanian Monster but this is the last LP from TUT and i consider you all to listen the earlyer LP's:
Undisputed Truth
Face to Face white the Truth
Down to Earth
Higher than High
Method to the Madness (Title Song is very, i mean very hot hot hot)
Law of the Land
Cosmic Truth
The Undisputed Truth made your day!!
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