September 24, 1977 - September 5, 1986
Captain Merrill Stubing: Gavin MacLeod
Doctor Adam Bricker: Bernie Kopell
Bartender Isaac Washington: Ted Lange
Purser Gopher Smith: Fred Grandy
Cruise Director Julie McCoy: Lauren Tewes
Cruise Director Judy McCoy: Pat Klous
Vicki Stubing: Jill Whelan
Photographer Ace Evans: Ted McGinley
Emily Stubing: Marion Ross
Loveboat Mermaids:
Susie: Debbie Bartlett
Maria: Tori Brenno S
heila: Macarena Camacho
Jane: Nanci L. Hammond
Amy: Teri Hatcher
Patti: Debra Johnson
Starlight: Andrea Moen
Mary Beth: Beth Myatt
Set aboard the Pacific Princess, a luxury cruise ship which embarked each week on a romantic, sentimental, and often hilarious voyage across tropic seas. Three or four stories told on each telecast were interwoven and often involved the ship's crew, who were seen on the show every week.
Famous movie and TV stars were delighted to accept guest roles on The Love Boat's floating sound stage, combining work with travel to exotic locations. Most of the episodes were filmed on two real cruise ships, the Pacific Princess and the Island Princess, during their regular voyages from the Virgin Islands to Alaska. Paying passengers were invited to participate as extras.
Surpreendente, SDC! Quando eu fizer a minha noite 80s no Trintaeum, vou-te subcontratar só para poder ouvir este edit do Love Boat :). E ainda há o Love Theme do Barry, para quando esse editing?
Com todo o prazer!
Quanto ao Love Boat do Barry White, comecei a trabalhar nele ha mais de um ano concerteza, mas ficou em banho maria...
Para quando a tua festa no 31?
another sick SDC edit...imagine that.
really love, the love boat action!
Many thanks for your comment Rubs!
Its with words like yours i have the strength to keep on!
Em princípio ficou para 9 de Novembro, a confirmar. Tens que tirar o Barry do marinanço ;)
I love Charo, nobody pronounces English with so much error and charm as she does
Ena pá, que surpresa!O mitico Barco do Amor é sempre bom de ouvir
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